The control of microbiological contamination is necessary to ensure that production and research meet the requested quality and safety parameters. Periodically VPHP bio-decontamination cycles should be carried out to maintain the required conditions and manage the risks that microbial contaminants are present to these environments.
The BioReset Smart is a bio-decontamination system that uses Vapor-Phase Hydrogen Peroxide as a cold sterilizing agent. It is lethal to all known microorganisms, chemically active against spores with proven kill rates, easy to handle and safer to use than other gaseous agents. The system can be placed directly inside the environment under treatment. It does not require any connection to the cleanroom. It works on stand-alone mode or can be managed through a remote connection via Ethernet ModBus TCP/IP.
PMT Benelux NV/SA | Haachtsesteenweg 378 bus 01 | 1910 KAMPENHOUT | BELGIE | Tel +32 (0)16 65 92 92 | Fax +32 (0)16 65 22 05 | e-mail info(at)